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Please visit these wonderful sites!

A Wonderful Journal and event information source. "Encouraging unity amongst diverse communities through information and inspiration."

Providing a FREE network that will enrich the metaphysical community and spiritual support of Nashville.

Jennifer Longmire - Reidi Master/Practitioner

Offers an inspiring atmosphere of books and merchandise to support the Spirit, Massage Therapy to relax the body, and Intuitive Readings to ease the mind

Tarot readings, supplies, everything you need!

Myths-Dreams-Symbols is a Jungian based website on dreams and dream psychology. It attempts to provide an understanding of dreams with a focus on symbols and metaphor, and the importance of mythology in understanding not only dreams but the total psyche.

A family owned metaphysical resource specializing in all things Metaphysical with an emphasis on Goddess Worship, Divination, Sacred Space, Spiritual, Parenting, Kitchen Witchery, Reiki (and other systems of healing) and Gnosticism, among other things. They are now offering their wares to the greater community through this site as well as through Ebay.